Families resort to eating their Christmas decorations to save on food costs
In a desperate attempt to save on food costs, families across the country have resorted to eating their Christmas decorations. The trend, which started as...
Study finds that spending time on social media makes people more anxious and less happy, users continue to scroll
In a groundbreaking study, researchers have found that spending time on social media can have negative effects on people's mental health. The study, which was...
World leaders meet to discuss solutions to global inflation, decide to just blame it on each other
In a highly-anticipated meeting of world leaders, a solution to the global inflation crisis was finally reached: blame it on each other. The meeting, which...
Santa Claus has been outsourced to the North Pole’s cheapest labor market
Christmas spirit alive and well, despite the fact that Santa Claus has been outsourced to the North Pole's cheapest labor market In a shocking turn...