Davos: Millionaires think the way to solve the disparity in global wealth is with less tax on the wealthy

In a stunning display of self-awareness and concern, the world’s wealthiest people have gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss the growing disparity in global wealth. In a unanimous decision, the group has decided that the way to solve this problem is by reducing taxes on the wealthy. “It’s time for the rich to get a break,” said one billionaire, who wished to remain anonymous. “We’ve been shouldering too much of the burden for too long. It’s time for the government to start helping us out.” The group also discussed other possible solutions to global inequality, such as increasing philanthropy and investment in developing countries. However, they ultimately decided that tax cuts for the rich are the best way forward. “If we can just get our taxes lowered, we can really start making a difference,” said another billionaire. “We’re already doing so much good with our money, but if we had even more money, we could really change the world.” The group is hopeful that their message will be well-received by world leaders and that they will take action to reduce taxes on the wealthy globally.

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