Bogus Toys : Toys your child will hate

In a world full of options for children’s toys, one company has managed to stand out…for all the wrong reasons. Introducing “Bogus Toys”, the company that is quickly becoming known for producing the absolute worst toys on the market. Their flagship product is a doll that cries real tears, which would be alarming if it wasn’t for the fact that it also leaks battery acid. Other popular products include a stuffed animal that emits a loud, high-pitched noise when squeezed, and a toy car that goes in reverse only. Parents who have been unfortunate enough to purchase these toys have complained about them extensively, but Bogus Toys doesn’t seem to care. In fact, they seem to be proud of their reputation as the worst toy company around. as the ceo of the company stated “We are dedicated to bringing joy to children…by giving them toys that they will absolutely hate.” So if you’re in the market for a toy that is sure to disappoint, be sure to check out Bogus Toys!

The current list of Bogus Toys include:
1. A doll that cries real tears

2. A toy gun that actually fires bullets

3. A baby doll that wets itself

4. A Barbie doll with anorexia

5. A G.I. Joe doll with PTSD

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