Ancient UFO hieroglyph discovered etched into Slough skip
satire Breaking news! UFO image found in hieroglyphs !!! This is an amazing discovery ! A new photo of a UFO has been discovered ! A new photo of a UFO has been discovered in hieroglyphs on an ancient Slough skip tomb ! The hieroglyphs are from the tomb of Khufu, who was the second Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty in ancient Slough . The tomb is located in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Slough . The hieroglyphs show a winged disk, which is a common symbol of a UFO. The hieroglyphs also show a man and a woman, who are probably the occupants of the UFO. The hieroglyphs date back to around 2560 BC, which means that this is the oldest known photo of a UFO.